
Mobilization 2/21 Writers' Group

The real deal in contemporary political thinking

Roxanna, Friday Alexander, Jack Crawford, Aunt Dot, Alexander Hillian, Andrew Jackson Brown, Sanford Jackson, Mallard Merriman, John Shavers, Robin Charles James, Hester Carter, John Wesley, Dr. Violet Butler and Runoko Rashidi

Absolutely Pan-African in Spirit…

Unapologetically Black Nationalist in View.

— May the spirit of Kwanzaa fill all our lives and guide the actions of all mankind.

(Now playing, our adopted theme song "X Resurrection" - by Steel Pulse)

Who we are / What we believe:

We are a group of writers, all Africans from the United States, that are dedicated to the total mental, physical, cultural, social and economic liberation of African people everywhere. We believe in freedom, justice and equality for all people. However, because the world has become overburdened with the demonic concept of white supremacy it is necessary for us to allocate additional resources and efforts to exposing fine points about current events as well as the history of the world as it relates specifically to African people. Under no circumstances do we wish to exhibit racial bias in any way. Our objective is to simply expose the truth, especially when it has been largely hidden from the vast majority of Americans of all colors and backgrounds.

The name of our group results from the foundation of our philosophy which is based on the teachings of Malcolm X who was murdered 2/21/65 in New York City. Our movement is dedicated to continued work toward completion of his mission.

We believe African people throughout the world can overcome all problems if we simply begin to behave intelligently. This requires that we do the following:


June, 06, 2006